
원노트 송 - My One and Only OneNote

오피스튜터 2007. 6. 15. 11:15

오늘은 원노트 Song을 소개드리고자 합니다. 인터넷은 참 다양한 사람, 다양한 생각, 다양한 장기를 볼 수 있게 해줌을 새삼 느낍니다. 이 노래는 원노트 테스트 매니저인 Mike Tholfsen 이 작사, 작곡한 노래입니다. 얼마나 원노트를 사랑했으면 이렇게 노래까지 만들었을까요? 아래 링크를 [마우스 오른쪽 클릭] – [다른 이름으로 저장]해서 들어보세요.

My One and Only OneNote    


Music and Lyrics by Mike Tholfsen © 2006

Link to Song (MP3): http://onenotemike.members.winisp.net/My%20One%20and%20Only%20OneNote.mp3

Mail: onenote_mike@hotmail.com

Let me tell you 'bout my favorite application
A software notebook for the modern age
One place for all of your notes
Put any type of content on the digital page

A flexible tool that works the way you do
Organize your stuff how you want to
Brainstorms or meeting notes or doing web research
Capture, find, share and re-use

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It's the one for me

Use a shared notebook for group collaboration
Or start a live sharing session with your friends
Like a rich wiki with merge and replication
Everyone's in sync when the meeting ends

Tables, tags, clippings, instant search and Lasso
Drawing tools, embedded files and hyperlinks
XML APIs and caching all your data
Outlook integration and digital ink

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It's the one for me

It's part of the 2007 Office System
Download OneNote for a 60 day trial
Give it a chance and I promise you
It will change the way you work and leave you with a smile

No other software can make me feel this way

My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
My one and only OneNote
It's the one for me